Mentoring Workbook

Now that you’ve read through the information on community-centered library services it’s time to get started trying it for yourself. Use the ConnectedLib Mentoring Workbook to keep on track.

Worksheet #1: Mentoring K-W-L

Before moving forward in the module, spend some time thinking about what you already know about mentoring, and what you hope to learn from this module. The first worksheet in your Mentoring Workbook is a “KWL” — that stands for Know, Want to learn, and Learned.

First describe your experience (if any) with mentoring. Then make a list of things you already know about mentoring. Then write down what you want to learn in this module. You’ll fill out the last column, what you learned (L), when you have completed this module.

Worksheet #2: Your Experiences

Have you ever been a mentee, or experienced a mentee-like relationship with someone? How would you complete the following reflective prompts?

  • When I was a mentee…
  • I learned…
  • One thing that could have improved my experiences as a mentee was…

Have you ever been a mentor, or experienced a mentor-like relationship with someone? How would you complete the following reflective prompts?

  • When I was a mentor…
  • I learned…
  • My mentee learned…
  • One thing that could have improved my experiences as a mentor was…

Worksheet #3: Mentoring and Connected Learning

Think about the mentoring and/or mentee experiences you described in Worksheet #2. How did they relate to the spheres of connected learning: interests, relationships, and opportunity?

Worksheet #4: Mentoring Roadmap

Use this worksheet to start building your mentoring roadmap.

Worksheet #5: Mentoring Policies

Use this worksheet to start developing your mentoring policies.

Worksheet #6: Anticipating Challenges

Use this worksheet to anticipate and problem-solve challenges you might face relating to mentoring. In the first column, list any barriers, concerns, or pain points. In the second column, think about what kind of resources can help you overcome those barriers. Finally, in the third column, brainstorm some activities you can undergo that will help you get those resources.