Step 4 - Ending the mentorship

A process for the closure of longer term mentoring relationships should be considered early on in the planning. Youth may be negatively affected by an abrupt closure. Here are a few ways to prepare for and close out a mentoring experience:

  • Raise the issue of closure early on to introduce endings as a normal phase of the mentoring process
  • Set clear guidelines for mentors on their expectations after the mentoring program ends
  • When appropriate, offer ways for youth to stay in touch with mentors
  • Create a plan for closure if mentors leave or the relationship needs to end

Research suggests providing closure or “ending rituals” or activities to reflect on the end of the relationship can provide youth with growth and learning opportunities. Your closure plan can include a way for youth and mentors to say goodbye and ask youth reflective questions (e.g., What did you like best about the experience?). Providing mentors and mentees with such a “closure ritual” helps to to positively, rather than abruptly, end the mentoring relationship.