Step 3 - Guide mentors and mentees

Setting goals and expectations

Goal setting creates a sense of purpose. This is even more important when we are establishing longer term relationships.

– Sonya Harsha, ConnectedLib partner, Algona (IA) Public Library

Plan to support the mentor and mentee relationships regularly over time. Some ideas include:

  • Regular checkins
  • Orientation sessions
  • Facilitation of mentor led programming (helping and working with youth while the mentor shares their expertise)
  • Training mentors

You can also provide support materials for mentors such as guides or handbooks. These materials may include:

  • Expectations and boundaries: What the mentor’s role is and isn’t
  • Best practices for communicating with youth
  • Suggestions for building rapport
  • Factors affecting teen development (covered in the Youth Development module)

Look for online training resources

There are many resources available online to help mentors develop their skills, including this series aimed at young adults who are peer mentors.

Checking in or evaluating the relationship

How will you evaluate mentoring programs/relationships? Here are a few questions to ask:

  • What learning is taking place?
  • What were the mentor and mentee’s goals? Are they reaching them?
  • If desired or appropriate, how can we sustain the relationship over time?
  • Are both parties satisfied with the relationship?

The steps listed in the Outcomes, Assessment, & Evaluation module can be used to evaluate a specific mentoring relationship or an entire program.