Our Changing Communities

Many communities in the United States have been undergoing changes in the past few years. Some of these are due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but others had been happening for longer:

  • People have been moving from urban to suburban and rural towns
  • Many community members started working from home, either temporarily or longer
  • Family routines have changed
  • Cities and towns transformed downtowns, gathering places, etc.
  • Social life, including the when, where and what people do when they meet has changed as well

Many of these changes are likely to be long lasting.

As you go through this module, think about:

  • How has your community changed in the past few years? Can you point out specific examples?
  • Have there been new residents who have moved in? Old-timers who have moved out?
  • How have the interests of the community changed, if at all?

What does the pandemic mean for civic engagement and the role of your library?

The COVID-19 pandemic introduced an opportunity for libraries to play a strong role in reimagining the future of the community and working towards realizing that future. By using the Connected Learning principles and engaging youth in this re-imagining and concrete actions to shape and reshape your community, we believe meaningful civic engagement can occur.